How Does It Work?
Approved applicants will receive a 3 month membership at reduced cost.
Memberships are all inclusive, and rates are confidential based on the individual circumstances.
Once a rate is determined, the membership is paid in full. RECCLife memberships are reviewed every year to decide continuance in the program if financial need is still present.
Strict confidentiality will be maintained during all stages of program involvement.
How Do I Apply And Get Started?
1. Complete and submit an application form. Physical copies are available at RECC Welcome Desk, or click here for a printable electronic version.
2. Submit a completed application in person to RECC Welcome Desk and then simply wait for contact from RECC Staff, who may request additional information. Applications should contain a reference letter from a community leader ( i.e Pastor, Doctor, Teacher, Therapist, Coach etc ) verifying that the candidate qualifies
for a membership at a reduced rate. If a reference letter cannot be produced, proof of income will suffice.
3. Upon approval, visit Welcome Desk again to pay balance owing and complete necessary forms.
4. Complete an orientation with an experienced staff member, then start exercising!
recclife@ratheastlinkcc.ca / 902-893-2224 ( Direct Line )